Catey Wright

Cosmetology Website Project

Cosmetology website:

Click here to get to the cosmetology website

Cosmetology repo:

Click here to get to the repository

Services.html (Services page) This is a image of the services page on our website

Apptform.html (Make an appointment form) This is a image of the make an appointment form.

Apptform.html (Make an appointment form) This is a image of the make an appointment form.

My form is to make an appointment. I used 4 input types: Text inputs, Dropdown menus, Text area, and button. The request method is get so that the information goes to me.

Overall my group had no issues with pulling and merging. I thought that doing a group project was interesting and we struggled to communicate at times. I think that in the future I would spend more time writing code and working on the project in person. That way things are more compatible of the website and there is no miscommunication.