Catey Wright

Wordpress project

The three websites I referenced the most were Regal, AMC, and Angelica. I referenced Regal, and AMC because they are the first 2 movie theater companies that came to mind. I referenced Angelica because it is a smaller theater, and I wanted to see the differences between a big and a small theater. All 3 sites have a section for movies that are currently playing, a section for snacks and drinks, and a section for a membership or rewards. I put a section for the movies that are playing, and one for snacks. I didn’t put one for memberships on my site because it’s a very small business so it would be harder to do rewards. Also it is a fake buisness and a reward system was not worth figuring out. You were also able to buy tickets on all three websites, but because my website was fake it would have been very difficult to make it so you could buy tickets without actually buying tickets, and similar to the rewards it would have been wasted effort. All 3 websites had a synopsis of the movies curently playing, the movie poster, and the showtimes so I made sure to include that. I noticed that it was harder to use the Angelica website than the other, bigger theaters websites. I think that it’s because being a smaller theater means having less resources to make a strong website.

I found Wordpress overall to be pretty simple. I do think that there should be more directions for when you first open your first website. In the beginning it was challenging to do anything. After I messed with it for a bit, and got the hang of it, it was fine. I don’t think it’s fair that you can’t change the font or color of a theme without paying money, but I understand that there needs to be drastic differences from regular and premium for people to spend money on premium. I liked the templates for when you made a new page because it gave me a starting point. I didn’t really use the templates but it gave me a chance to see what I liked and what I didn’t. Overall I don’t think I would use Wordpress without paying for anything again. I understand why it’s a great resource, you can make a website without having to code at all. I also think that there are a lot of competitors I would try out before using Wordpress again.

This is the link to my website